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Teenagers need to touch ‘home base’ despite the fact that they are forever extending their sights outward and out of the home. Perhaps even more so because of that! Touch is extremely important for everyone, but parents tend to touch their children less and less as they grow older. In fact, some children will have years during which nobody touches them closely or caringly at all. Cuddles may seem childish to a teenager, but massage is a very grown up thing to do and an excellent way to get in touch and send love to your teenage child literally and figuratively speaking. You can massage the hands or feet as well as the shoulders, back or legs, or a full body massage – whatever your teenager has time for or will allow.

The following oils are particularly good for this purpose:


  • Cypress
  • Marjoram
  • Bergamot


  • Rose
  • Geranium
  • Marjoram

School can be as stressful to a teenager as the office is to the adult. Perhaps even more when we consider hormone changes that take place during this time that affect our appearance and moods, academic and peer pressure. Lending an ear to their concerns and fears can ease these pressures when followed by a bath with 1 drop each of:

  • Bergamot
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Lemon

If you can, have them soak for a ½ hour. You can incorporate the above oils in a massage blend and give them a full body massage, or if they are not comfortable with that, then just feet and hands.


Facial scrub:

  • 2 tablespoons ground almonds
  • 1 teaspoon raw egg white
  • 4 drops lemon oil

Mix well. Put a small amount in your hand and apply to a wet face. Rub mixture all over face in a circular motion. Wash with a good natural allergenic soap and rinse well. Any unused portion may be stored in the fridge.

Then follow with a …

Lavender splash:

5 drops of lavender to 2 tablespoons spring water. Shake well before each use. Dab over entire face and leave it. Repeat entire procedure daily. Strong emphasis should be placed on proper diets, herbs and supplementation when necessary, good drinking water and proper exercise and rest.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

Withdrawal from heroin, cocaine or speed-type drugs is never easy and the essential oils cannot offer a magical panacea. However, the essential oils can help the process in two ways: as a general strengthener to both the emotional and physical system as the addict tries to withstand the pull of the drug, and in specific treatments of the many side-effects of withdrawal. These include insomnia, acute anxiety, night sweats, palpitations, nausea, cramps, headaches, loss of appetite and trembling. The following essential oils are very useful in baths and massage oils and can give addicts tremendous help as they strive to overcome their addiction.


Roman Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose


Bergamot, Grapefruit, Orange


Basil, Marjoram, Parsley, 


Eucalyptus lemon, Eucalyptus peppermint




Fennel, Nutmeg


Birch, Sandalwood is free to access and use.
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