Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment that takes the physical, emotional and mental needs of an individual into consideration by using essential oils, which are natural, aromatic plant extracts.
How does Aromatherapy Work?
Aromatherapy can be used in every aspect of our lives: skin and hair care, cleaning, disinfecting, environmental fragrant, holistic health and pet care, inhalations, baths, showers, and massage. Aromatherapy seeks to strengthen the body's own innate self-healing process. The plant essences have the ability to balance, stimulate, relax, invigorate and rejuvenate our bodies.
When essential oils are used for inhalation or massage methods, they will produce psycho-therapeutic benefit as well as affecting the physical state of the body. Essential oils are absorbed rapidly through the skin and carried to all parts of the body, before they are eliminated from the body, the oils will have influenced your system for several hours or even days.
During inhalation the essential oil molecules are conveyed via the olfactory tract to the limbic (emotions and memories), the hypothalamus, olfactory cortex and pituitary (release hormones and regulates the body). This causes an influence on the functions of the organs, tissues of the body and emotional responses to occur.
When essential oils are used in massage treatments, the plant essences combined with the power of touch produces quite amazing results for the recipient.
When used in a bath, the oils are absorbed through the skin and carried by body fluids to the main body systems; such as the nervous and muscular systems for a healing effect.
"In order to heal you must be able to feel: to feel sympathy, compassion and care for the other person. The more concentration and energy you put into your treatment, the more easily the healing energy will be able to flow through you. The success of your treatment depends not only on the type of treatment you give, or how refined your technique is, as it does on your state of mind. If your mind is untroubled and you feel relaxed, your movements will flow naturally."
Robert Tisserand
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