Black Cumin Seeds have numerous medicinal properties that have been used over the course of history to cure a variety of ailments.
Archaeological evidence about the earliest cultivation of Nigella Sativa dates back to ancient Egypt, where the seeds were found in Tutankhamun's tomb. It was referred to as ‘Melanthion’ by Hippocrates and Dioscorides, while the Bible describes it as the ‘curative black cumin’ (Isaiah 28:25, 27 NKJV), and the prophet Mohammed reportedly declared that they could cure "anything but death."
Black seed from Nigella Sativa as a natural alternative to Chloroquine.
Do not take it from me, though. I am just a gal that has always questioned, asked why and curious about the coming together of a myriad of solutions, knowing that there is always more than one way, more than one path, more than one answer to any problem. Black cumin seed is gaining interest as an effective nutritional therapeutic in the early treatment protocol of COVID-19.
Read about prevention and early outpatient treatment protocol for COVID-19 here, where the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance supports the consumption of black cumin seeds if ivermectin is not available.
The major compounds in raw black cumin seeds (Nigella Sativa) are thymoquinone, thymohydroquinone, dithymoquinone, thymol, carvacrol, nigellimine-N-oxide, nigellicine, nigellidine and alpha-hederin. In addition, quite a few pharmacological effects of N. sativa seed, include immune stimulation, anti-inflammation, hypoglycemic, antihypertensive, antiasthmatic, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antioxidant and anticancer effects. Click here to more on the anticancer activity of Nigella sativa (black seed).
There is an endless stream of information, knowledge and resources available to those curious minds who look for it.
Black cumin seed is just one more tool in the toolbox of natural health. Resources on the history and benefits of Black Cumin Seed are found in the links below:
- Nigella Seeds: Vicks inhaler of Ancient Greece and modern Marrakech
- Of chloroquine and COVID-19
- Potential benefits of combination of Nigella sativa and Zn supplements to treat COVID-19
- Prophetic Medicine-Nigella Sativa (Black cumin seeds) - Potential herb for COVID-19?
- Black Seed ‘Strongly Binds’ to Spike Protein, Prevents Vascular Damage
- From here to eternity - the secret of Pharaohs: Therapeutic potential of black cumin seeds and beyond
- The Medicinal Potential of Black Seed Nigella Sativa and its Components
- Natural therapeutic approach of Nigella sativa (Black seed) fixed oil in management of Sinusitis
- What Are Nigella Seeds? Top 5 Benefits + How to Use
The resources above are just the tip of the iceberg if you’re looking to find out more about the benefits of black cumin seed.

When I first learned about black cumin seed, I quickly purchased a few bottles of Black Seed Oil in capsule format and felt immediate benefits to my health and vitality.
Because these days have me purchasing a lot of different supplements and herbs to build up my immunity, I really wanted something that was not only more cost-effective, but something that I could make myself, knowing with 100% certainty what I was putting into my body.
So, I purchased a 2-pound bag of organic black cumin seeds and experimented with a few ways to consume these.
Four Easy Ways to Prepare Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa) Seeds:
- Chew Raw Seeds
The simplest way is to chew about half a teaspoon of the raw seeds, grinding them down naturally and slowly with your front teeth. Chewing slowly and mindfully introduces enzymes through saliva, which start to break down the chemical structure of the seed and allow for easier absorption within the body.
- Blend Raw Seeds
Blend the raw seeds into a fine powder and store in an airtight container. Add it to oatmeal, baking, smoothies, tea, dips, etc.
- Roast and Blend Raw Seeds
Roast black cumin seeds in a frying pan on a low-medium heat for about seven minutes to extract some of the nutty flavour. Then, blend it into a fine powder for use in oatmeal, baking, smoothies, tea, dips, etc..
While the nutty flavour of the roasted black cumin seeds is quite good, the process of roasting has been shown to decrease the level of thymoquinone. You can read more on this here.
- Inhale the Scent
To assist those suffering from nasal congestion or blocked sinuses, wrap a teaspoon of black cumin seeds into a small square of linen, warm it up in your hand and bring it to one nostril while the other is blocked and inhale deeply. This method has been used for over 2,000 years and is still used primarily in countries that grow Nigella Sativa.
Yours in Creation,
Author Bio:
Essential Tonics, Inc.
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High vibe creator, curator and disseminator, Teresa Dawn comes from a long line of healers and believers; pioneering prairie women who homesteaded, knew the earth and were one with it. She runs Essential Tonics, a proudly Canadian supplier of 100% pure essential oils and related resources.
This article was submitted exclusively to AromaWorx.ca by Teresa Dawn Roulette
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