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Keep It Simply Scent-sational!

State of Mind Synergy:

Uplifting blends for burnout, computer fatigue, confidence builder, creativity enhancer, depression and logic. Use the blends in a bath, on a burner or add to a carrier oil for a mood-enhancing massage.


Blend the following oils:

6 drops Grapefruit, 5 drops Sandalwood, 3 drops Geranium


Add 10 drops to 20 ml / 4 tsp carrier oil for a massage blend


Put 4 - 6 drops of this blend neat on a burner


Add 8 -10 drops of this blend to 1 tablespoon of either full cream, milk or almond oil and add to your bath water.... soak and enjoy

Alternate oils: Rose, Lemon, Cypress

Computer Fatigue

5 drops Cypress, 4 drops Bergamot, 2 drops Petitgrain

Add these oils to 25 ml water and use in a diffusor

or use 4-6 drops of neat blend on a burner

Alternate oils: Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Lemon

Confidence Builder

Blend the following oils:

6 drops Lemon, 3 drops Basil, 3 drops Bergamot, 1 drop Lavender

2-3 drops of neat blend on a tissue

4-6 drops of neat blend on a burner

Add 8 -10 drops of this blend to 1 tablespoon of either full cream, milk or almond oil and add to your bath water.... soak and enjoy

Alternate oils: Grapefruit, Neroli, Coriander

Creativity Enhancer

3 drops Rosemary, 2 drops Coriander, 3 drops Cypress, 5 drops Lemon

Add to 25 ml water and use in a diffusor

4-6 drops of neat blend on a burner

Alternate oils: Grapefruit, Basil, Bergamot


Blend the following oils:

12 drops Geranium, 3 drops Lavender, 7 drops Bergamot


Add 10 drops to 20 ml / 4 tsp carrier oil for a massage blend


Put 4 - 6 drops of neat blend on a burner


Add 8 -10 drops of this blend to 1 tablespoon of either full cream, milk or almond oil and add to your bath water.... soak and enjoy

Alternate oils: Neroli, Nutmeg, Grapefruit


4 drops Geranium, 6 drops Grapefruit

Add to 25 ml water and use in a diffusor

4-6 drops of neat blend on a burner

Alternate oils: Coriander, Neroli, Petitgrain is free to access and use.
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