Carrots are eaten to promote lust and to cure impotence...
Carrot seed is warming and calming with a dry, woody-earthy scent.
Nature: warming, soothing
It settles the digestive system, and can be used for anemia, anorexia, colic, indigestion and liver congestion.
Ideal in a massage for revitalizing and toning mature skin, its detoxifying properties are beneficial for arthritis, gout and rheumatism.
Principal Actions: Tonic for liver, digestive tract, muscles and joints; replenishes and rejuvenates dry or mature skin.
Practical Uses
Methods of use: application, aroma lamp, bath, diffusor, inhaler, lightbulb ring, massage, mist spray
Skin Care with Carrot Seed
Carrot seed is very nourishing and toning for the skin. It is used for the treatment of dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and rashes. It is revitalizing; used to increase elasticity in aging skin, working well for wrinkles and mature complexions.
Aging Skin:
A decrease in the natural production of collagen and elastin causes the skin to lose tone and elasticity.
To nourish dry skin and increase elasticity: Mix 2 drops carrot seed, 2 drops clary sage, 4 drops rose and 2 drops rosewood in 20ml/4 tsp of a heavier carrier oil (benefits the skin and prevents dragging the skin when used in a massage) such as apricot or peach, avocado, calendula, evening primrose and wheatgerm. Alternate oils that can be used: helichrysum (everlasting), Roman chamomile, sandalwood.
Circulation, Muscles & Joints
Carrot seed is useful for treating any accumulation of toxins, arthritis, gout, oedema and rheumatism.
For Accumulated Toxins: Mix 2 drops carrot seed, 2 drops birch, 3 drops basil, 3 drops thyme in 20ml/4 tsp carrier oil and massage into affected areas. Alternate oils: pine
Digestive System
Carrot seed is a reputed detoxifier for the liver. For conditions of the digestive tract it is used to treat anemia, anorexia, colic and indigestion.
To ease cramps and IBS: Mix 4 drops carrot seed, 4 drops peppermint and 2 drops sage in 20ml/4 tsp carrier oil and massage into abdomen using clockwise, circular strokes.
Genito-Urinary System
The balancing effect of carrot seed is used for amenorrhoea (absence of menses), dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation), glandular problems and PMS.
To relieve water retention: Mix 4 drops carrot seed, 4 drops yarrow and 2 drops geranium in 20ml/4tsp carrier oil and apply to lower abdomen using clockwise, circular strokes.
Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Avoid during pregnancy; carrot seed oil is a uterine stimulant.
Caution: Avoid during pregnancy.
Carrot Seed in Aromatherapy
Botanical Name: Daucus carota
Note: Middle
Parts Used: seed
Source: steam distillation from the dried fruit (seeds) of the small annual or biennial herb native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. Also known as Queen Anne’s Lace or wild carrot.
Description and Odor Effect: yellow or amber-colored liquid with a warm, dry, woody-earthy odor; calming and restorative.
Blends well with: cedarwood, geranium, citrus and spice oils
Therapeutic Properties: anthelmintic, antilithic, antioxidant, antipruritic, antisclerotic, aperitive, astringent, carminative, diuretic, emmenagogue, galactagogue, hemostatic, hepatic, laxative, parasiticide, rejuvenator (skin cells), stimulant (uterine), tonic, vasodilator, vermifuge, vulnerary
Safety Data: Non-toxic, non-irritant, non-sensitizing. Avoid during pregnancy; carrot seed oil is a uterine stimulant.
Caution: Avoid during pregnancy.
Chemical composition includes: a-pinene, camphene, b-pinene, sabinene, myrcene, y-terpinene, limonene, b-bisabolene, geranyl acetate and carotol.
Carrot Seed – Quick Reference
Skin: boils, carbuncles, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, liver spots (age spots), rashes, revitalizing and toning, mature complexions, skin ulcers, weeping sores, wrinkles
Circulation, Muscles & Joints: accumulation of toxins, arthritis, gout, edema, rheumatism
Digestive: anemia, anorexia, colic, indigestion, jaundice, liver congestion
Genito-urinary: amenorrhoea (absence of the menses), dysmenorrhoea (painful menstruation), glandular problems, PMT
Keyword: Revitalizing
Carrot Seed Magic: Warms and supports, easing away feelings of fragility and vulnerability.
Carrot Seed Harmony
To Help Unwind at the End of the Day ...
Add 2 drops carrot seed and 4 drops geranium to a bath and soak for 10 – 15 minutes
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