Adding some of the dried leaves to your bathwater will relieve grief...
Origanum marjorana
Note: Middle – 18
Parts Used: flowers and leaves of plant
Source: steam distillation of the dried flowers of the bushy herb native to the Mediterranean region, Egypt, and North Africa. Most of the oil is produced in France, Morocco, Egypt and Germany.
Description and Odor Effect: a pale yellow liquid with a warm and spicy aroma. Its odor effect is warming and calming and is reputed to quell sexual desire.
Nature: warming, soothing
Blends well with: bergamot, lavender, cedarwood, cypress, chamomile, rosemary, eucalyptus, orange
Physical Uses: Marjoram is used to treat a variety of problems, including anxiety, arthritis, asthma, constipation, insomnia, high blood pressure, menstrual problems, headache, migraines and rheumatism. It is an analgesic for bruises, sprains, joint and muscle pain, respiratory problems, colds, cough and bronchitis.
Mental and Emotional Uses: Marjoram relieves nervous tension, grief, mental fatigue/strain, overwork. It is an excellent sedative oil, combats fears, depression, and a good anaphrodisiac (overly lustful sexual impulses to more tender, gentle feelings).
Marjoram helps to unify the two sides of the brain.
Caution: Avoid during pregnancy. Marjoram is stupefying in large doses - highly sedative - use sparingly
The warm spicy aroma of Marjoram has strong sedative and relaxant properties which can ease stress and insomnia; warming qualities soothe muscle aches and pains. Clearing as an inhalant.
Therapeutic Uses: analgesic, anaphrodisiac, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antistress, antitussive, antiviral, calmative, carminative, cephalic, cordial, decongestant, detoxifier, diaphoretic, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, galactagogue, hypotensor, laxative, nervine, restorative, sedative, stomachic, tonic (heart), vasodilator (arterial), vulnerary, warming
Applications: massage oil, bath, vaporization, inhalations, perfume, warm compress (muscle aches) cold compress (bruises)
Keyword: Sedative
Marjoram Magic: Violets and marjoram, mixed together, are worn during the winter months as an amulet against colds.
Sweet Marjoram Harmony
Add these essential oils to 20 ml / 4 teaspoons carrier oil
To nurture the spirit during emotional stress:
- 4 drops Sweet Marjoram
- 4 drops Linaloe Wood
- 2 drops Neroli
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