Essential Oil Profiles
The essence of a plant acts as a natural defense mechanism; it protects the plant from bacteria, fungi, pests, heat and cold. In fact, the essence of a plant actively participates in the plant's development. There are no two plants that smell exactly alike and the properties of each are unique, which is why the essential oils derived from these plants offer so many benefits.
The Chinese used the gum in the treatment of leprosy and tuberculosis...
Frankincense has a fresh, spicy top note and warm, woody sweet-balsamic undertone.
Nature: soothing, uplifting, warming
Also known as Olibanum, frankincense is used in skin care to help rejuvenate aging skin and to soothe and heal inflamed skin.
Ideal as an inhalant to calm the mind and slow down breathing for use as a meditation aid.
Principal Actions: Soothing and rejuvenating to the skin; respiratory infections - the vapors open the sinus and breathing passages; uterine tonic.
Early American women regularly drank a tea made from the roots, which was thought to prevent pregnancy...
Geranium is an uplifting and balancing oil with a green, rosy-sweet, minty scent.
Nature: uplifting, balancing
Geranium is mainly a woman’s oil; it’s a uterine tonic for PMS and is especially effective for menopause.
Ideal in a cream or lotion to balance combination skin. It brightens the skin as it improves blood flow.
Geranium is one of the most useful of all aromatherapy oils; it helps people overcome fatigue and speeds up recovery from lengthy illnesses.
Principal Actions: Balancing for all skin types; antidepressant; uterine tonic for PMS and menopause.
Ginger is one of the most widely used herbal remedies for morning nausea during pregnancy...
Ginger is a warming and strengthening oil with a soft, sweet woody-spicy scent.
Nature: warming, soothing, stimulating
It can be used in a massage blend to warm chilly limbs and ease stiffness.
Ideal as an inhalant or on a tissue to relieve morning or travel sickness.
Principal Actions: Eases nausea and digestive discomfort; warming properties stimulate circulation; analgesic to relieve muscular aches and pains.
Scientist believe the grapefruit tree developed as a mutation from the pomelo fruit...
Citrus paradisi
Note: Top
Parts Used: rind
Source: cold expression from the fresh peel of the fruit from the cultivated tree which often grows over 10 metres tall and is believed to have derived from a cross between a large citrus fruit called a pomelo (Citrus maximus) and the sweet orange (Citrus sinesis).
The alluring fragrance of hyssop attracts bees and adds a sweet smell to the honey...
Hyssopus officinalis
Note: Middle
Parts Used: leaves and flowering tops
Source: steam distillation from the leaves and flowering tops of the perennial, almost evergreen sub-shrub that grows up to 60 cm in height. It is native to the Mediterranean region and temperate Asia.
This highly scented herb also goes by the name “Everlasting”. This is due to the fact that the flowering tops retain their color even after they have dried out when the plant has matured...
Helichrysum angustifolium
Note: Base
Parts Used: flowers
Source: 1. essential oil by steam distillation from the fresh flowers and flowering tops of the evergreen plant native to the Mediterranean area and Asia. 2. an absolute (and concrete) are also produced by solvent extraction.
Jasmine garlands are part of Buddhist ceremonies to symbolize respect...
Jasmine oil has an intensely rich, warm, floral scent and a tea-like undertone. The fragrance improves as the oil ages.
Nature: warming, balancing
Vaporize in the air to relax, soothe and help lift depression, including post-natal depression.
Ideal in a skin cream for dry, greasy, irritated or sensitive skin.
Principal Actions: Moisturizing and rejuvenating for skin; uplifting for nervous exhaustion and depression; reputed aphrodisiac.
Juniper berries are used to make gin. They are also roasted and used as a coffee substitute ...
Juniperus communis
Note: Middle – 30
Parts Used: dried berries from shrub
Source: steam distillation of berries of the evergreen shrub native to the northern hemisphere. A lower grade oil with a harsh aroma is extracted from the needles and wood. Always use juniper berry oil for perfumery and aromatherapy.
Lavender's relaxing properties are used on lions and tigers in zoos to keep them calm ...
Lavender has a sweet, floral-herbaceous aroma that is calming, uplifting and refreshing.
Nature: balancing, soothing, purifying
The multitude of qualities lavender possesses makes it an indispensible oil; a must for any essential first aid kit. It is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, antidepressant, sedative and detoxifier. If only one essential oil is affordable, choose lavender - it is safe, versatile and gentle.
Ideal in a skin cream or undiluted for burns, scalds, insect bites and wounds.
Principal Actions: Extensive properties for skin care; muscular and rheumatic aches and pains; uplifting and soothing for stress-related conditions.